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Rules: no product spam, no flooding.
Here is a discussions page about alternatives that are quite different then what is proposed here: ./alternatives.html
If you wonder what might be OK here, read this:
1. No product spam,
but you may link to political materials if you do so
elegantly, including your own.
"I like this film about socialism/capitalism democracy/tyranny,"
or "read this book
about revolution," is ok;
"Buy this DVD about Italian shoes," can get you banned. Making arguments
in favor of your personal political bend is on topic. Tell why
you love anarchy or communism, libertarianism, liberalism, socialism,
communism, this that or such a Constitution; and why that is better
then what is proposed here, is not
only OK, it is the topic ! This could even include religions if they
have economic and Governmental dimensions (which some certainly do).
trolling for members for your own outfit here and which does not fit this
"DAVID" system here proposed,
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personal money
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The topic is quite wide,
but does for example not include baseball scores, or the antarctic whale
counts; unless that is somehow relevant to illustrate politics, economics, etc.
You can ask where this all comes from, but don't expect answers on personal
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4. Say whatever you want. In general disagreement is more interesting
then agreement, so don't hold back - especially if you can keep it elegant.
5. This is a public forum: you are addressing the public.
It is however not unlikely that the website owner will engage your arguments
with other arguments.
6. If you feel something is extreme, feel free to flag it; perhaps
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7. If you feel you are censored, that interests me too. Probably undersigned is not doing it (notice that I don't control the Disquss system).
Feel free to ask if you think something bad happened.
8. If you happen to agree with the "DAVID" systems proposed here, try to
be elegant to those who disagree please; don't make us look bad.
9. Last but not least: no flooding. Flooding is a technique by which
malicious actors attempt to make a debate impossible by excessively posting,
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